Saturday, September 11, 2010

One Week Home

We have been home one week and one day. There are many things we have learned about each other and ourselves such as

We are old

We require alot of sleep

We require more sleep than Miles

We can function with no sleep but not very well

He has a VERY strong will and is very independent

He loves ring around the rosey and wheels on the bus

He loves canine brother but sometimes tries to sit on him

Canine brother loves him but especially loves the food remnants dropped on the floor

Miles has a shoe fettish

I also have a shoe fettish

Did I mention we are old

He and his dad both like football

Miles loves peaches and bananas (he tried to bite into one at the grocery store today peeling and all).

Mike really can change diapers if need be even though he lied all those years and said he would get sick and throw up.

Miles is a social butterfly

We are a family and families stick together through thick and thin

We are so glad you are with us Miles and we love you very much.


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