Saturday, September 4, 2010

At Last

Well I bet you all wondered where we were and what was going on (then again, maybe not!!)HAHA. Well folks we have entered the parent realm and chasing around a toddler takes LOTS of energy as many of you well know.

We made it home after a VERY long day on friday. I think the worst part was customs and immigration at O'Hare in Chicago. Those people were not friendly and the lines were long!!! I know it is very necessary but after being up for 20 plus hours and in a different time zone nerves were frazzled!!

I'm not gonna lie-the transition has been ROUGH!! The time change, grieving for foster mother, language barrier and cough/allergies has made for a difficult time. He has had a cough and sneezing so something has triggered allergies. Mike's allergies have started up also so nightime is hard. We are trying to find some kind of normal whatever that is and get into some kind of routine. We have managed to get a few smiles and giggles out of him which makes us feel better. He has attached to Mike BIG TIME and wants very little to do with me right now. This is to be expected with adoption and is common.

Maybe it's the drastic difference with the blonde hair and non-asian features or my moWere stressed personality but Mike is number one (he is not asian either so what's up with that?) We are just taking it day by day for now and expecting the unexpected. We will share some pictures from Gotcha Day and other random photos from the last few days.

Mike and I are so thankful for our friends and family and I am overwhelmed at their kindness. When we got back the house was spotless, food and meals were in fridge and baby stuff organized. We are SOOOOO grateful. Thanks also to Lady Wolverines Jr. High softball team for the welcome banner and balloons (we loved it)!! We are forever grateful to all of you. We will be more social in the weeks to come and start venturing out more. Please continue to pray for our family through this transition and we are trying to remember this too shall pass. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Oh Tricia! I can SOOSO relate to your experience! We brought Joshua home two months ago and it was REALLY rough! He cried A LOT and did not want me at first either! I am also blonde, but my husband does have dark hair so we figured maybe that is one reason he wanted him more than me.
I just want to encourage you that it does get better! We have noticed more smiles, giggles and less fussiness in the past two weeks. He is just overall a lot easier and we are all a lot happier! Of course, it is still busy chasing him around and teaching him not to touch things, etc. We also noticed that we feel less like we are just babysitting him now. He has attached to our family and we feel more attached to him as well.
I will be praying for you! :)
Jill (from the Dillon Board)

Unknown said...

Trish....Its Abby! Miles is so adorable. Your blog rocks! I am keeping you in my prayers! Love the pics of Winston in the stroller with miles....too cute. Best wishes to you all. Can't wait to meet Miles soon. What's he going to be for halloween?

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