Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Diaper Bag Vs. Purse

Okay, so as most of you know I am a first time mother who is rather sat in her ways. After all I have had 3+ decades to get this way. SOOOOOOO with that being said I am going to need a little work on diaper bag necessities vs. purse necessities.

1) I don't need three shades of lipstick-one should do because a 15 month old does not care about how good my lips look!

2) My blingy sunglasses probably are not going to last much longer because I sat on them twice today trying to get something that fell on the floor.

3) There is not much point taking a diaper bag if you forget the extra diaper. I put one in the bag with a few wipes and I used it after our walk. I then forgot to reload before our trip to the park UGH!!!! I had to ask a friend to borrow a diaper and was a little embarrassed.

4) I had a little tub of snack yogurt puffs to take with us and it was still sitting on the counter when I returned.

5) Instead of one set of keys I now have two except one plays noises from Toy Story.

This is all going to take some getting used to but with a little help from my dear friends I am going to get this all squared away. I am trying to still carry a fashionable purse as well as a pseudo-diaper bag but I may have to start combining and for now ease up on the fashion end of things. What do you all think? Oh well, that sweet little smile makes all the sweet potato stains on my white shirt worth every second!!


Marjorie Windsor said...

Yeah at some point fashion just flies out the window. Give it another year or so. When he's potty trained you don't need to carry so much crap and you can go back to your fashionable accessorizing that you do so well!

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