Mike and I decided to get out this morning and do some shopping and exploring. Seoul is a very modern city and you can definately tell they are on the cutting edge of technology here. There are approximately 10 million people that live here but the strange thing is we have never felt unsafe. You very rarely see police or ambulances and we have maybe heard one siren since we have been here. People speak much more quietly and do not yell at one another. It is a very refreshing feeling. Another thing I love is it seems like people are genuinely happier here. Most have smiles on there faces as they walk down the street and merchants are very appreciative when you shop with them. Customer service is excellent and people take their jobs seriously. The work ethic is impeccable.
There is a reason people are smaller and in good physical condition here. People walk everywhere and there are no benches to stop and rest on. Also the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables is on every corner. The servings are MUCH smaller-no super sizing here!!! They bring glasses of water-small juice glasses 3/4 filled with water to your meal and spoons and forks for desserts are literally the size of baby silverware. The women and men seem to be very dressed up here and moving at a fast pace. These women can hustle in stiletto heels and boots. The fashion is GREAT. We went to the Hyundai super store and there are about 10 stories of all different things. It is like Neiman Marcus and Hyvee rolled into one. We sampled some strange little chunks of meat and had NO IDEA what it was but it was tasty. Sometimes you just go with it.
We went to Namdaemun Market which is a traditional type of open market with aisles and rows of everything you can imagine. It was quite a sight. We had some adorable teenage girls take our picture and we were trying to ask them about a certain item I was wanting and they go so sorry but we are Japanese and just visiting!! We all laughed about this and then we took their group photo. The Korean people seem very apologetic when they can't speak English but I wonder if we would be the same if we where in their situation and couldn't speak Korean. I have learned just enough words to be dangerous HAHA!! We are having a very memorable trip and I am so glad we came. We are getting good at catching taxis and reading strange maps. This is our last night together as a family of two (three counting Winston)because tomorrow is Gotcha Day for Miles HaeWon. We will have lunch with several other adoptive families tomorrow and tour the Eastern Welfare Society. We will visit the babies home and I hope to spend some time in the nursery rocking babies. This is where they stay until they are placed in foster homes or if they have some health concerns. Please keep Miles' foster family in your thoughts and prayers as this is their last evening together and tomorrow he will leave the only "omma" he has known. We are so excited yet sad as well. So many emotions all wrapped into one moment. He will stay with us tomorrow evening in the hotel and we will leave Friday to head for home!!! We are under a typhoon warning which is a concern so we will play it all by ear. Please keep us in your prayers. We know God is good and has everything under control. Enjoy our pictures from today...Stay tuned for tomorrow!!!
We miss you!! I love the pictures...it looks like you guys are really having a good time! I can't wait for you all to get back and show off Miles. I'll be praying for a few things: Your safe return and good weather, Miles' foster family that they will have peace and comfort as they say goodbye (and the same for Miles), and that you will enjoy your last few days in what sounds like a pretty wonderful country! Tell Mike I said hello and I can't wait to see you guys soon!
Wow, what a fast trip! My friends who adopted from Brazil had to stay there 2 months before they could bring their children home! Glad it's going quicker for you all!
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