Thursday, January 27, 2011

In The Book I Read We Are All Adopted

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:5

This is the scripture that is hanging just outside Miles' bedroom door that my friend hand-painted for me. This is the scripture that got me through many sleepless nights. This is the scripture that re-assured me when I would have doubts about God's will for my life. This is the scripture I kept reciting in my head when I would become anxious on the long flight to Korea. This is "My Scripture."

It is so amazing to me that we question things so much. We always need to know why. I have learned a very important lesson through our adoption journey and that is I do not need to know why I just need to do!!! There is no point in spending fruitless hours questioning things or asking why or why not. God always has a MUCH better plan for us than we could ever come up with on our own. We just have to be open to his will and listen to that "still small voice."

Miles is the perfect son for us. No, I am not by any means saying he is perfect but he is the perfect fit for us. He is ridiculously funny and onery. He makes me laugh countless times each day. He also is VERY VERY VERY hard-headed which is a blessing and a curse all in one. My friend gave me the book about strong-willed children and if I can survive his younger years he will be an awesome adult HAHA! He is extremely persistent and will not give up on something until he figures it out. He could probably be a lobbyist. He would lobby for a cause until he was blue in the face. He would pressure people to see things his way!! He is also obsessed with feet. I hate to admit it but I am obsessed with feet. I love pedicures/paintings/new shoes and socks-the whole works and so does he. He loves to be outside and we do too. He is such a joy and has brought such a richness to our lives. I hope we have done the same for him.

As Christians, we are commanded to care for the orphans and widows. There are about 140 million orphans in the world today in great need. I hope by sharing our journey we will lead other families to consider adoption.


Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Beautiful story! Your son is precious! :)

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I read the same Book and could not agree more! beautiful son God has blessed you with!

Unknown said...

so kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 love it. love the music it makes me rember when i was a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miles is so cute.

matthew smith

Jenny said...

What a precious little boy you have been blessed with!!! Don't you wish EVERYONE could experience the sheer joy that comes with adoption!

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