Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Scooby Scooby Doo-Where Are You??

Miles is having a love affair with Scooby.  He loves to watch the movies but then gets scared and needs one of us by his side.  My sister gave him a giant scooby pillow and he adores it.  My friend Beth gave him scooby christmas PJs and it is wash and wear, wash and wear.  He came down for breakfast today and had his spidey glove on (which he fell asleep wearing) and his scooby pajamas.  This kid just cracks me up.

My BFF came over Christmas for a visit and brought her two children.  Graycn is 9 months older than Miles and they spent most of the evening fighting and bartering over Scooby.  There just wasn't enough of him to go around.  She is also having a love affair with Scooby.  I remember a certain little blonde girl who also was OBSESSED with Scooby back in her younger days.  Hmmm I wonder if I could get PJs like those in my size HAHA!!


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