Recently I was given a blog award from Grace at Grace is a wonderful writer and I enjoy reading about her life. She is also expecting her second son in May!!! Thank you Grace.
These are the rules of this particular award:
1. Thank & link back to the person who gave me me the award. (see above)
2. Share 7 things about myself.
3. Award (up to) 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Make sure I contact these bloggers to let them know about the award.
So here are 7 things about me, the award-winning rambler!
1) My Best Friend and I have been friends since before kindergarten. We were both born in October and our dad's share and the same first name-Earl (weird huh??). We still talk at least every other day on the phone. We both have late in life children who will be in the same grade except she has a daughter and I have a son. We have always lived in the same town as each other until now and we now are about one hour and 15 minutes away from each other!!
2) I am not squemish and I love helping with office surgeries. I love helping suture, excise, drain and pack anything that needs tending. A little gross but I am a nurse you know so I guess I picked the right profession!!
3) I am SCARED TO DEATH of mice!!
4) I am a good speller and won several spelling bees in grade school. I made it to the county spelling bee one year.
5) I was born on Halloween and love it. My parents had wonderful parties for me when I was little with hayrides, weenie roasts and costumes. I still love Halloween and would even if it wasn't my birthday.
6) I love garage sales and flea markets. There is no better way to start a weekend than a nice sunny morning drinking coffee and going to sales with my girlfriends!!
7) My dream car would be a red "67" mustang even though I am horrible at driving a stick shift. Red is my most favorite color.
I cannot think of any bloggers right now although I know there are probably several who deserve this award as well. I will work on that but right now I am VERY tired and need sleep HAHA so to bed I go!!! Thanks again Grace!!!