Monday, July 26, 2010

When Will Miles Come Home???

Emigration Permission (EP) from the Korean Government is the next step that needs to happen for us. Keep in mind this is after the LONG process of applications, background checks, fingerprinting, homestudies, collecting numerous documents and attending workshops. The Korean government places a quota every year on how many EPs they will issue. It was met early last year so we are so glad we got in this year. We are on the downhill stretch now because ours has been submitted and we are just waiting for approval. This usually takes 2-4 weeks. The EP process is completely out of our control and is just dependent on the Korean side. He has already had his visa physical also which is required before he can leave the country. Although our agency provides general timeframes, every case is unique and we cannot pinpoint exact dates. This process is teaching me patience (somewhat anyway HAHA!) because many aspects are out of our control and in God's hands. We do know Miles is in a very loving foster home with three siblings and is being well cared for and for this we are grateful. It would be much more difficult if he were in a large orphanage with little individual attention or stimulation. We appreciate the prayers and support we have gotten from sooooooo many people!!!! We will keep you updated on any news so stay tuned!!!!



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