Sunday, April 24, 2011

What A Glorious Day!!

What a wonderful, joyous day we had. We started out the day with a surprise from the easter bunny. He left Miles quite a nice little basket of goodies including a Curious George DVD, bubbles, monkey glasses, a stuffed basketball playing bunny and assorted candies and a chocolate rabbit. He was so surprised and excited when he came downstairs. He had such a big smile on his face. It was precious.

After that we all got ready for church. It was a wonderful service and the choir was amazing. I always love Easter Sunday and having worship with our church family. This day is always a time of reflection for me. It makes me think about Jesus paying the ultimate sacrifice for us. I also have a whole new perspective this year as a mother. I can't imagine Mary seeing her son go through that agonizing day and feeling so helpless. I love Miles so much and I am so thankful for him.

We went home to my parent's house for lunch and Mike's parents also joined us. My sister and nephew were there also. Miles got to be with all his grandparents for his first Easter here. The weather turned out to be sunny which was a nice suprise since the forecast was calling for rain all day. We ate outside on the deck even though it was a little chilly . The temp was in the low 60s but still beautiful outside. We had a big egg hunt for the boys and Miles had the time of his life. He ran all over the yard and once in awhile would pick up too much speed and lose some of his eggs. He looked very handsome today if I do say so myself all dressed up in his Sunday best. He was exhausted when we got home this evening. It was the perfect Easter Sunday. I did miss all my other family however.

Hope all of you had a blessed day. We hope Easter was joyful for all the family in Korea. They had a big wedding this weekend and the bride looked beautiful in her gorgeous gown. The children are getting so big and look much older. Hope the baby is doing well also. Love to everyone-Have a good week!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Many Faces Of Miles!!!!