Monday, March 28, 2011
How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?
Miles really loves his stuffed animals- especially his dogs. He also loves his canine brother Winston. He talks to his stuffed animals and kisses them frequently. He likes to surround himself with them when he sleeps. It has officially been confirmed that "Dog Is Man's Best Friend" and in the Trussell household we couldn't agree more!! Dogs Rock!!
Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful!!
How can we go from beautiful 70 degree weather last week to snow and freezing temps this week??? Please spring weather come back!!! We are all getting cabin fever and my daffodils and tulips are begging for mercy!!HAHA
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring Has Sprung
Well it has been quite some time since i have blogged. Basketball is finally over for the time being at our house. It is always a hard transition when it is over and although we love it and enjoy watching it it is also nice to have some down time!!! Mike would definately disagree with that but I am simply speaking for myself and Miles and Winston. We are so proud of the Lady Wolverines winning the district championship this year!!!
We have been walking in the evenings and taking Miles and Winston in the stroller. Miles is saying more words each week and loves watching the birds and squirrels. He takes his cell phone each evening when we go on our outing. He has really started playing with his stuffed animals and likes to feed them and give them drinks.
My dad had shoulder replacement this last week and is getting along quite well. We enjoyed Grandma staying with us while he was in the hospital. Miles loved waking up and eating breakfast with grandma!!!
I really feel we are in a routine now and am soooo ready for warmer weather. My mind has really been on all the people of Japan and the tragedy they have endured. I would get on a plane tomorrow if it were possible and go help out where I could. Please pray for them and count our blessings each day!!! Have a great week.